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Torn Stitches is now out

It's finally here. This game has been in development for nearly 7 months under the working title "Abandale." Abandale was released in 2018 but was removed due to an error deep in it's files. What began as some form of satanic version of nintendo's animal crossing/silent hill (you can bet I'm not abandoning this idea anytime soon) is now more aligned with jrpg influnces, specifically Witch's House. It comes bundled with a demo for Creeping Chasms which was originally a more stripped down arcade mode but it just didn't have the same pacing as the main game so It's going to be something I'm going to be putting together the next few weeks. Fun trivia, it was the name of my first "band" in high school and it sounded terrible but it does works better on this.


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The weird zen of getting killed in Dead Cells (or how failure should be a circle)

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