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Game Of Thrones Deadpool: The Aftermath

I'm not going to say what I thought about season 8 and the series finale because there is an ocean of online commentary on the subject but I have come back to revisit the pool just to see how accurate my personal predictions were. 

Jon Snow: Alive [Confirmed] 

Sansa: Dead [Nope]

Arya: Dead [Nope]

Bran: Dead [Nope]

Cersei: Dead [Confirmed]

Jaime: Dead [Confirmed]

Tyrion: Dead [Nope]

Daenerys: Dead [Confirmed]

Yara: Alive [Confirmed]

Theon: Alive [Nope]

Euron: Dead [Confirmed]

Melisandre: Dead [Confirmed]

Jorah: Alive [Nope]

The Hound: Alive [Nope]

The Mountain: Dead [Confirmed]

Samwell: Alive [Confirmed]

Gilly: Alive [Confirmed]

Little Sam: Alive [Confirmed]

Lord Varys: Dead [Confirmed]

Brianne of Tarth: Alive [Confirmed]

Davos: Dead [Nope]

Bronn: Alive [Confirmed]

Podrick: Dead [Nope]

Tormund Giantsbane: Alive [Confirmed]

Grey Worm: Alive [Confirmed]

Gendry: Alive [Confirmed]

Berric: Dead [Confirmed]

Missandi: Dead [Confirmed]

[19 Confirmed Predicted Deaths Out of a possible 28]


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The weird zen of getting killed in Dead Cells (or how failure should be a circle)

With winter now approaching down under I've found myself adjusting a bit more to bunker life and able to get a bit more balance with my design work. In saying that I've had a little bit more time to play more games, watch new films  and glean new insight and inspiration which I'm going to want to start talking about more.  So l'm going to write about Dead Cells. Sometimes seen as Hollow Knight's other cousin, Dead Cells is also a metroidvania hack and slash platformer.  It would be unfair to compare both art styles as each aesthetic is drastically different to the other but Hollow Knight is an almost like looking at a classical painting of greek mythology with  tolkeinesque ethrealism while Dead Cells is a beautiful sega megadrive mess of pixilated insanity.  What sets them at odds apart however is how Dead Cells has set up it's Game Over in which there isn't one.  Yes your mortal shell does shuffle off everytime you are slain but you