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Game Of Thrones Deadpool

These are officially my draft picks for the final season of Game Of Thrones, specifically who will live or die. I'm not willing to say if I carefully calculated interactions, relationships and ran that through an analysis of cinematic beats or if I put all of these onto a dart board and threw a lot of knives.

Jon Snow: Alive
Sansa: Dead
Arya: Dead
Bran: Dead
Cersei: Dead
Jaime: Dead
Tyrion: Dead
Daenerys: Dead
Yara: Alive
Theon: Alive
Euron: Dead
Melisandre: Dead
Jorah: Alive
The Hound: Alive
The Mountain: Dead
Samwell: Alive
Gilly: Alive
Little Sam: Alive
Lord Varys: Dead
Brianne of Tarth: Alive
Davos: Dead
Bronn: Alive
Podrick: Dead
Tormund Giantsbane: Alive
Grey Worm: Alive
Gendry: Alive
Berric: Dead
Missandi: Dead


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